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The Supplemental Series, Vol. 3 - Folksinger's Choice

The Supplemental Series, Vol. 3 - Folksinger's Choice

Strap on your mouth harps and never take off your hat, even if you become rich and famous! In this episode, Sign on the Window looks back at Bob Dylan's appearance on Cynthia Gooding's radio program, Folksinger's Choice

They talk songs and cut through Dylan's truths and lies. 

As always, full show notes at our website. You can also follow along with our weekly real-time Spotify playlist – See That My Playlist is Kept Clean – and join the conversation on Twitter, message us on Facebook, and like on Instagram. And if you're loving us, consider our Patreon. For as little as one dollar you get early access to every episode we do as soon as they're edited (and a dedicated feed just for you) and exclusive content that'll only ever be on Patreon. Thanks!

We also have a snippet of Kelly's brief biography of Cynthia Gooding from Ep. 16, set to photos, at our YouTube.

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Not the Bob Dylan podcast you need, but certainly the one you want. We explore Dylan one random song at a time.