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"The Queen's Justice" (Mixed Up Thrones)

"The Queen's Justice" (Mixed Up Thrones)

Let us commence Ellaria/Jaime Dungeon Watch 2017! 

This week, Kelly and Daniel put Bob aside once again to talk Season 7, episode 3, "The Queen's Justice." They try to wrap their heads around what's gotten into Littlefinger, Bran and Jaime. They pour out some poisoned wine for the Queen of Thorns. They muse on the epoch-defining first meeting between Dany and Jon, and how Dany, still playing Cersei's old game, is unwittingly winning when she lets Jon get dat dragonglass! Stayed tuned to the end for a damn good prediction. 

If you're looking to go more regionally specific: Dragonstone (2:00), King’s Landing (15:00), Winterfell (22:00), Old Town (30:45), Casterly Rock (33:00), Highgarden (37:00). 

As always, full show notes at our website. You can also follow along with our weekly real-time Spotify playlist – See That My Playlist is Kept Clean – and join the conversation on Twitter, message us on Facebook, and like on Instagram. And if you're loving us, consider our Patreon. For as little as one dollar you get early access to every episode we do as soon as they're edited (and a dedicated feed just for you) and exclusive content that'll only ever be on Patreon. Thanks!

See you Monday for "Dear Landlord" and here next Friday for our takes on "The Spoils of War."

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